Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Clean Living...

Okay. So I just returned from my good friend Jeremy Thiels bachelor party in Las Vegas!! Jeremy is the the founder of CrossfitCentral in Austin Texas,and one hell of a trainer. Being a bachelor party you can only imagine, it wasn't the best I have ever been about my diet, fitness, and sleep. I am blogging about this to tell you how much I realized how important this stuff really is to me, and should be to you!

When you do something day in and day out, it becomes routine. My training and my diet has almost become second nature. So what happens when you throw a stick in the spokes? It was a total crash! We all had the time of our lives,but speaking for myself one weekend of eating bad, too much alcohol, and no sleep took a huge toll on my body and training. I did my first WOD today after being back, and wow did it suck worse than ever. I felt very weak from the lack of rest, and very dehydrated and had no energy from poor diet. It was the first time in a while I wanted to quit a workout! I cant stress enough what it means to eat pure wholesome foods(paleolithic diet)and get lots of rest. I know I am back on track for clean living, and if you want to up your game you should too.

What a trip though!!!!!! Viva Las Vegas.

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